Hello Marck,

Monday, September 25, 2000, 2:10:51 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Hi Gary,

MDP> On 25 September 2000 at 12:09:29 GMT -0400 (which was 17:09 where I
MDP> live) Gary Mort wrote and made these points on the subject
MDP> of "Fixed or variable width?":

GM>> ... Whats the big deal about proportional fonts? Are you referring
GM>> to sending email in HTML format?

MDP>  This  is  about Fixed Width aka mono-spaced fonts (Courier, Fixed
MDP> Sys,  Lucida  Sans  Typ,  Andale  Mono  et  al) and Variable width aka
MDP> proportional fonts (Arial, Times et al). Mono fonts means you get true
MDP> WYSIWYG  in  plain  text.

  Thanks to all for both on and offlist explanations. Now it
  makes sense. Its for those 'fancy editor thingy' reasons that
  you can't use it.  For the record: I use a spellchecker
  occassionally & try to set my client to automatically wrap text
  at 70 charectors, and a little cut and pasting on occasion.
  Thats about the extent of my editor wants.  As such, right
  justify, indent paragraph, WYSIWIG and such are just not
  relevant.  I understand others do need that capability though,
  and can understand why I am being limited so that they can use
  these functions now. :-)

MDP> WARNING: No holy font wars - I'm just informing here, okay?

Nope, no holy wars.  Displaying text in Times New Roman does not
add one iota to my usability of a program.  It just adds to my
enjoyment of reading the text.  Which is not a factor in program
decisions to me.

Using The Bat! 1.46c
        under Windows NT
4.0 Build 1381
Service Pack 6, RC 1.5

 Gary                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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