Hello A.,

Saturday, September 23, 2000, 1:36:33 PM, someone wrote:

ML>> I  see no chance for other email programs to change their default
ML>> settings,  and their users' tendency of using them (either out of
ML>> default  or  by  preference).  Nor  could I foresee a law banning
ML>> proportional  fonts  in  email.  So  the  relevant  focus of such
ML>> discussion  (on  this  list) would come down to whether TB should
ML>> support  proportional  fonts  or  not. And I would say it should,
ML>> though  I won't be upset if it's not high on RIT's priority list.
ML>> :)

ACM> Believe it or not, I'm with you on leaning towards their implementing
ACM> proportional fonts as well, because one can't and shouldn't force others
ACM> into using certain fonts. Even moreso, one shouldn't be forced to use a
ACM> particular editor for e-mail composition. As long as I can use a fixed
ACM> width font and can continue to encourage others to do the same, I'm
ACM> happy. :-)

I'm  a  bit slow. Whats the big deal about proportional fonts? Are you
referring  to  sending  email  in  HTML format? I never use HTML, just
plain  text,  so the font really doesn't matter other than for display
purposes.  Which,  I  must say, I prefer being able to set my own font
for displaying messages cause I like to look at New Times Roman and it
is not one of the choices.

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