This message: 24/09/2000 22:51 GMT.

Hello Andrzej,

  A reminder of what Andrzej ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  24 September 2000 at 23:14:19 GMT +0200

A> Hi! There  are other minor nice implementations in the interface of
A> Becky that I like:

  If, and that's a big IF... Becky is so good and that is your chosen
  e-mail client which you are quite obviously using, why are you
  subscribed to a mailing list primarily for users of The Bat e-mail

  You have absolutely no chance of converting a Bat user over to Becky.
  We've all been there, we've all done that and the only "T" shirt we
  wanted to buy had The Bat! written all over it.

  Yes, Becky is good... But it 'aint good enough.

  Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
  client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the Bat/Becky
  comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat versus other
  e-mail clients list is please.

  If I want to know how good Becky or Eudora or calypso is, I would
  subscribe to the relevant list.

Best regards,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.46d S/N A27A5E65
 Windows 98 ME 4.90 Build 3000 

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