Hello Jan

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:42:51 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>           Jan responds: As I mentioned in a prior post, the above
JR>           works like a charm & I thank you for it.

Glad to help you!

JR>           I'm including another digest sample to illustrate what
JR>           I'm now trying to do, alas unsuccessfully.

JR> -----|| original digest-style msg ||-----

JR> Message: 1
JR>    Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:03:31 -0000
JR>    From: "Jefferson French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JR> Subject: Trying to register Ecco Toolkit
JR> the web and email contact info in the
JR> documentation are no longer valid.
JR> -----|| End digest-style Msg ||-----

JR>           Jan continues: However I'd also like to be able to pull
JR>           out the subject of the above selected msg [Trying to
JR>           register Ecco Toolkit] instead of the digest subj line
JR>           "[EccoPro] Digest ####"

JR>           I've tried the following expression without success:

JR>           %setpattregexp='Subject: ((\d\D\n$%)%regexpQUOTES)

JR>           thinking that:

JR>           1.    %setpattregexp would look for a pattern within the
JR>           selected text

%setpattregexp just sets the regexp to be used in the following
%regexpmatch or %regexpblindmatch

JR>           2.    the pattern would look for "Subject"

Up to here you're almost right (it's 'Subject: ' including the colon
and space)

JR>           3.    then accept any letter or any digit following
JR>           "Subject" ending only at a new line

'\d\D\n$' : accepting _one_ digit followed by _one_ non-digit
character followed by a newline and (the $) another newline or the end
of the string.

After that you look for a percent sign and what currently 'is' in the
%regexpquotes macro.

JR>           4.    & paste it in the reply template.

For that you'd have to use either %regexpmatch or %regexpblindmatch
combined with %subpatt

What you probably want is



Peter Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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