On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:45:55 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>>>>           As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR>>>>           would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR>>>>           portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR>>>>           generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR>>>>           would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP>>> I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP>>> or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

Peter>> I've never tried, but %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%CLIPBOARD" should apply a
Peter>> regexp to the clipboard. Or am i mixing up things?

JR>           Jan  responds:  Thanks  for the thought, Peter. Hmmmm. I
JR>           sure  as  heck  don't  know the answer to this but if it
JR>           were  to work, might it instead be a search for the text
JR>           after the word "From:" in the %QUOTECLIPBOARD text since
JR>           I'd be working from a digest of msgs?

I don't know the exact format of a digest, but assuming standard
format (From: username <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), my first try would be
(if you wanted the address part):


For the %CLIPBOARD macro to work, you would not only have to select the
text, but also copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl-C). And note that the
part matching the address is simple, it doesn't match addresses
containing digits, dot or other special characters.

Peter Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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