12/4/2000 at 1:47 PM

For what it's worth- you can keep the same ISP and just change mail

I use Mailbank as my email server, though I have a cable modem and access to
the cable company's mail server.

Mailbank let's me use their SMTP server- provided I log on with my username
and password.  (Which is quite useful when traveling since I don't have to
keep changing my server settings depending on which ISP I'm using to connect

On Monday, December 04, 2000, 12:36 PM, you wrote:

r> wow, i didn't mean to get you guys so riled up...

r> As for your question about shopping for a new ISP, I already am.

r> I'm in a 1-Year commitment which ends in April, however, with Primary 
r> Network, who was the first to my door with DSL service.



(The Rev.) W. Nicholas Knisely      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity Episcopal Church            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bethlehem, PA                       www.trinitybeth.org

-Clairvoyants meeting canceled due to unforeseen events.

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