Hello Thomas & other fellow TB! Users following this thread,

Wednesday, December 06, 2000,  you stated regarding :

DH>> Whether a formal and vernacular way of expressing something is
DH>> chosen is often related to the degree of involvement or detachment
DH>> of the person speaking, the academic level reached and the effect
DH>> desired.

TF> It must be the academic level.

Old World / New World, Cultural Milieu

TF> I speak Spanish. My father was from Spain. I never use any words
TF> of that genre that you are trying to defend, neither in Spanish,
TF> English, German or Thai, all of which I speak, read and write
TF> fluently. I get the desired effect in any of these languages,
TF> because I know many other words.

TF> Please do not make a philosophy out of using foul language.

It is already there. Foul can be foul by interpretation and by
intention - leveling with someone (and being sincere) or being

TF> There is never a reason to use strong words, unless you have to
TF> cover for being a weak person.

Please do not make a philosophy out of not using language you
yourself find objectionable in a particular cultural context.

As for TUBDL, we'll stick to English, a colder language.


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