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Hi Alexander,

On 15 December 2000 at 06:27:32 +0100 (which was 05:27 where I
live) Alexander Turcic wrote and made these points:

AT> Why don't you just look at the yahoo ticker to see what I mean.

Now,  you see the problem here is one of order and perception. You saw
the  Yahoo ticker first. I saw the TB ticker first. *I* want the Yahoo
ticker  to  work  as "well" as my TB ticker. You want the TB ticker to
work as "well" as your Yahoo ticker <g>.

These  are  not  problems.  They  are  individual  implementations and
interpretations.  I  happen to know that the TB ticker has been around
longer than the Yahoo one and "it is what it is" IMHO. Perhaps RITlabs
will  take  the  suggestion  seriously.  Personally, I think they have
other  issues  to  resolve  before  dealing  with the esthetics of the
optional ticker.

AT> Fact is that TB offers "show always" and docking, and for that it
AT> could implement those two better -- like they are when you look
AT> how they implemented in other products.

...  and I think other products could implement better - like they are
when you look at TB :-). My TB ticker takes up *so little* real estate
and  gives  me instant access to my unread mail. I haven't seen a less
obtrusive  ticker  anywhere. I can't afford a whole line or two of the
screen taken up by a ticker.

This  is  just  an issue of taste and esthetics and not functionality.
"Vive la difference", IMHO.

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]
[ PGP Key: http://www.silverstones.com/MarckPGP.asc              ]
[    Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs           ]
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