Hi Daniel

>   and thanks for all your quick responses to my reply message template
>   question. I was using Outlook and got a virus so my life was ruined
>   for a week. I then tried Netscape and thought I would have to buy
>   more ram to send emails to my mother.

...what a true word! ;)

>   were complaining, so every seems happy with The bat which I am now
>   using. What I want to know is about its virus protection system and
>   spam mail. OE is targetted for viruses (using its address book)
>   either b/c it is known or vulnerable or both. Is The Bat address
>   book and file attachment system and whatever else makes email
>   programs susceptible better protected again virus proliferation? and

You've  chosen  a  good  MUA  with  TB,  especially  in  view of virus
protection.  TB  does  a  great  job  with  recognising possible virus
attacks:  not  allowing  code  in  html mails, warning messages before
opening an attachment (default is saving, not opening), etc...

If  you  nevertheless  have  a  virus  infection,  the virus had to be
especially  written  for  TB, else a virus would never find your saved
email addresses or messages - so, you're safe with TB.

>   how about spam mail, what can I do to stop it coming through?
>   much obliged, just searching for a lifeline solution.

You  can  set  up a filter that discards (or moves to special folders)
mails  in  which  your  email address is not listed as recipient. This
will recognize a lot of junk, but also some newsletters and mails from
mailing  lists.  So,  you've to set up some specific filters that keep
these messages.

Your  question  concerning spam was asked some days ago also in TBUDL.
Look  in  the  mail archive - if you don't have the messages anymore -
for the thread 'Spam filter' by John Phillips.

So short,

  Using The Bat! 1.48d under Windows 95 4.0 Build 950 

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