Hello Mike,

   In a post time stamped re: "Opinion: "Blind Copy" emails should
   warn / not allow reply to original recipient" you wrote:

Mike> I have noticed that many people in the typical office environment do
Mike> not grasp some of the more subtle aspects of "email
Mike> common-sense". [...]

Mike> Suppose I sent an email to Mr. X that John, Steve, and Susan should
Mike> be aware of, but the "politics" of the situation would strongly
Mike> favour that Mr. X does not know that they receive copies...
Mike> consequently I send a "Blind Copy" to them.

  Depending on the # of people involved, One v1.48 TB! options I've
  found useful is the mass mailing option. Although it may be a
  little awkward for this use, it certainly prevents others from
  knowing who got what. Just something to think about on this snowy
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
Using The Bat! v1.48d
PGP-Key 0x4C9CDF9D
ICQ 41116329


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