Hello Thomas,

Mitteilung vom Freitag, 31. August 2001, 06:03:39:

< ... >

TF> Thanks for your crossposting without sensible contents, and for your
TF> lack of interest to discuss (and BTW this is a mailing list, not a
TF> newsgroup). Good riddance.

Sorry, I disagree that there is no sensible content in Alexander's

He decided to skip to another mailer due to some features he prefers
in Becky. So, it could be interesting to the developers what makes
users feel uncomfortable with TB and enhance their product.

After all they can discard these ideas or see that they already knew
that but nevertheless they shouldn't ignore users wishes.

Concretely there are two points Alexander thinks Becky is superior to

1. Filters
2. Reminders

I myself don't think that TB's filters are poor but who knows, maybe we
can learn from Becky (or other mailers).

And as to reminders they are on the TB's wishlist for a long, long
time ... and I miss them a lot!

(Maybe, me too will abandon TB very soon for the lack of reminders if I
can't reasonably emulate them with a script and a scheduler. I hope I
have not to change for I appreciate TB a lot).

And after a quick look into Becky I like the idea to edit the mail on
the fly in an extern editor.

After all, I think that there was sense in Alexander's mail and I wish
the developers read carefully how their customers feel!

Bernhard Kohl

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