Saturday, December 22, 2001, 8:01:02 PM, Dierk wrote:

DH> But, Yuki, there is one downside concerning these kind of
DH> backups: Windows' registry. One has to back it up manually.

Not true, Dierk.  If you image the partition, you get it all,
registry, kitchen sink, microbes, and anything else living on your
partition.  It's a sector by sector exact duplication of the disk.
You can restore that image, and it will work exactly as it was
working when you created the image.  You do not have to back the
registry up manually or fool with any of that ridiculous and
bothersome 'system state' crap.  (excuse my French)  For some reason,
you cannot do this with tape.  I've tried, and you cannot restore a
W2K boot partition (where \Winnt lives) from tape, unless you use a
program that copies and restores the 'system state'.  But hard drive
imaging gets around that Microsoft stupidity quite nicely. (With NT
4, you can use tape even on the boot partition, and lay it down from
tape and it works just fine, but not with W2k, and I suspect not with
XP, either, although I've not tried it with XP.)



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