Hello Alastair & Mary,

AS> ... many beta versions ago I had problems saving a TB! backup to a
AS> NT 4 partition from a Windows 95 machine

Alastair -- Do you remember, was the NT4 partition formatted as FAT or
NTFS? Was this NTFS partition a shared directory on a network server
or on your own PC?

Mary -- Are you logging on to Windows 2000 with Administrator rights?

AS> ...create a self-extracting ZIP file which people _without_ WinZip
AS> can receive, copy to their hard drives, then click on to extract
AS> the original file.

Alastair -- Many mail systems now refuse executable file attachments
and many users are very wary of opening executable attachments that
they have not already been advised to expect.

ZIP attachments are not blocked. They are the best file type, other
than text, to use for an attachment.

regards, Andy

[Using The Bat! 1.53t under Windows 2000 Pro SP2]

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