On 10 February 2002 at 08:24 Yuki wrote:

> Very advanced in what context?  What I am asking about actually, I
> guess, is the often referred to but somewhat phantom version 2.  And
> my comment above is really about release versions, not betas.  There
> hasn't been a new release version, highlighted on the TB home page,
> since June 19 of last year.  I'm not really interested in running a
> beta, although a beta being developed with DBCS support would
> probably change my mind very quickly.  Version 2, I heard, a long
> time ago, was supposed to be headed in the direction of DBCS support.
> I'd like to hear from someone who knows if this is still the case, or
> even if there is currently development being done on version 2 --
> serious development, of course.  I wouldn't be surprised if it's
> dying.  E-mail clients are not fantastic money makers in the first
> place.  I'd just like to know the current story.

Part of the problem is that TB!'s numbering is too modest - 1.54 is a
big upgrade to 1.53.

But, at the moment,

+ 1.54 definitely doesn't include double-byte encoding or Unicode

+ 2.00 has had both of these hinted at, as well as a new filtering
system, new editor with HTML writing as well as reading, new user
interface, news reading plugin, full IMAP4 folder handling, support
for global peace and understanding (only joking about the last one ;)

What I don't know is what happens when 1.54 is released; does 2.00
beta 1 instantly appear with all these new features ready for
(doubtless protracted) testing?

> EC> If you want to have a TB!Japanese you better get in touch with
> EC> Ritlabs directly.

> I am not interested in a TB! Japanese.  Not in the slightest.  What I
> am interested in is a TB! English that can read Japanese e-mail, and
> that will let me input Japanese directly into its message editor.  I
> hate to say this . . . but Microsoft is starting to get way ahead of
> the game here, with their Global Input Method Editor (IME).  This
> allows almost seamless input of Japanese, Chinese, or Korean into
> English Office documents, or into English Web documents.  Of course,
> it works just fine with Outlook, as well.

As far as I can see the IME can work with third-party applications:


So, in principle, there's no difficulty integrating it into TB. The
problem is making the developers see this :(

I shall email them privately about this.


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