All true.  However, the *only* reason for taking the extra-resource
using step of having Norton scan your e-mail is if you are running a
box where for some reason you cannot run Norton in auto-protect mode

Having Norton in auto-protect mode enabled already makes it
impossible to open an infected e-mail or attachment without Norton
catching it.  So, if you are running in auto-protect enabled mode,
*and* having Norton scan your e-mail on the way in, you are enjoying
repetitive redundancy, and probably slowing down your retrieval just
a touch. <g>

Yuki ^_^

Saturday, February 16, 2002, 3:22:15 AM, Geoff wrote:

GL> Hi Hans,

GL> On Friday, February 15, 2002, 1:34:05 PM, you wrote:

>> 1. What are the mechanics of below procedure? Does incoming mail go via
>> Norton before reaching me?

>> 2. Isn't it enough to have "Manually configured accounts" ticked in
>> the E-mail status window?
GL> ---

GL> 1. In short, yes -- all mail goes via Norton Antivirus 2001. NAV
GL> presents a virtual POP3 server,

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