I might get corrected on this, but I believe that the "Known" filter
is just a preset way to do what was and remains possible using the
pre-existing filter set.  You can easily set up one or two filters to
accomplish your desired result.

- Disable the Inbox-Known filter.  Move the folder to the bottom of
your folder tree or, if you're sure you'll never use it, delete it
after confirming that all of this works.

-  Create a folder for Inbox-Unknown.

- Set up a filter with the following:  the '@' sign as the filter
string, the location being Sender, and Presence being Yes.  Move
messages to folder Inbox-Unknown.  On the Advanced tab, check
"Addressee must not be listed in Address Book," and complete the
subsections.  Move the filter to the bottom of your filter set (for
Incoming mail), which will allow any other Inbox-based filters you
have in place to operate.

That should result in all mail going into your Inbox as default, then
filtering out to whatever folders you have in place, and finally
filtering out to Inbox-Unknown all remaining mail which comes from
unknown addresses.

Hopefully others will confirm or correct this approach.


     Roberto Machorro wrote on Monday, March 25, 2002:

> Hi!

> I've happily upgraded to 1.60, I love the menu navigator, the HTML
> mails stuff (on a personal note, I dislike HTML e-mails, but if
> the sender gives me no other choice, at least it's tolerable :),
> that none of my settings/prefs changed or got lost and that it seems
> a little faster. Good Job!

> I only have two questions:

> I think that the "Inbox - Known" is a good idea, but I would rather
> have the known e-mails go to my "Inbox" and unknown e-mails go to
> "Inbox - Unknown", this is because I frecuently sync with my handheld
> via MAPI, and it polls e-mail from the "Inbox". So right now I would
> be basically in sync with 'unknown' e-mail. Is there are a way to do
> this? The "Inbox - Known" preferences only allows you to select which
> folder to use for known e-mail, not the opposite.

> What is the SmartBat? I haven't found documentation on it.

> Thanks and congrats to the RITLabs people!

> Roberto

> TB! 1.60
> Windows 98
> PIII 500Mhz 128MB RAM
> Over 3K e-mails in 7 Accounts

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