Hello Roberto.

At 2:42 PM on Monday, March 25, 2002 you wrote the following
about [Changing properties for "Inbox - Known"]:

Roberto> I think that the "Inbox - Known" is a good idea,
Roberto> but I would rather have the known e-mails go to my
Roberto> "Inbox" and unknown e-mails go to "Inbox -
Roberto> Unknown",

  I believe you can do this.

  Filter all incoming msgs to your Inbox if the sender is in
  your AB [look under Advanced tab in filters].

  You can also create a 2nd folder [try a common folder]
  name it Inbox-Unknown & filter all msgs to it that are
  from senders who are *not* in your AB [look under Advanced
  tab in filters].

  From there, if you want, you can create some gen'l spam
  filters to move selected msgs to your trash bin.

  I believe you can delete the $KNOWN$ folder if you don't
  like it, find it confusing or think its a distraction.

  IMO, the $KNOWN$ folder is just another option provided by
  the RIT Lab folks. Some find it useful, some don't. The
  choice belongs to the user: we can use it or not as with
  most options in this or any program.

  Personally I find these threads that complain about this
  option or that option -- frequently written by recent TB!
  users, some who haven't even tried the options -- to be
  overblown, redundant, & a waste of bandwidth.

  But, hey, this is a TB users list so everyone is entitled
  to say what they please as long as we all stay on topic &
  abide by generally accepted rules of netiquette.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
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