Firstly, many thanks to all who have made suggestions. However it is
taking all my self-control not to explode. I can't believe what TB! is
doing to me !!

I did as you all suggested. I deleted the common folders taking care
to retain the message bases. That was fine. It appeared I was back to
pre 1.60 days.

HOWEVER, (excuse my bad temper!) next time I started TB! it recreated
all the common folders again.

I thought that perhaps I had done something wrong .... SO ...... I
deleted all the common folders yet again. There are about 40 folders
so it takes some manual work. I exited TB! and restarted. TB!
recreates the common folders yet again !

I am stumped! That's a cricketing term but I expect you can all guess
exactly how I feel.

I do NOT want two copies of every folder. I do NOT want my msg
searches to show every msg appearing TWICE. I do NOT want this

Please excuse my frustration.

Best regards,

Steve Mullarkey.                 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tascom Pty Ltd.
PO Box 296
Berry, NSW 2535, Australia.

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