On Thu, 2 May 2002, Melissa Reese wrote:

> > <Sarcasm>
> > What a great idea. Every time I want to check my mail or send some
> > mail, I can import stuff into my registry, re-import all my data,
> > send the mail, then delete it all. I think this idea will make a
> > million or more people download and buy the bat.
> > </sarcasm>
> Hello Michael,
> While I can understand that you're very frustrated, your problem does
> seem to be a *very unusual* one that most of us just don't have any
> experience of (and yes - I saw Jonathan's message about the "mailto"
> setting in his TB! apparently invoking similar symptoms, but I use the
> same type of mailto settings for one of my accounts, and have never
> had any trouble with it).
> If you're using the same mailto option in one of your accounts, have
> you tried disabling it to see what happens?
> Melissa

You'll have to excuse the slight change in client... I'm at home, and use
linux, so I'm using Pine.  THe incident occured when I had the mailto:
property set in Account One, and I changed it to Account Two.  What may
have been a factor was my moving a folder about from Common Folder to
a sub folder under Account Two.   This has to be one of the worst things
that has happen to me with TB!... I managed to solve a problem with TB!
closing itself when trying to compose messages, tracked it down to a
corrupt history when typing in addresses.  I'd like to know if there is a
solution to the vanishing emails.

Jonathan Angliss

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