On Mon, 6 May 2002, Mandara wrote:

> On Sun, 5 May 2002, at 22:51:11 +0100 Marck wrote:
> >> I would bravely endure all other bugs, just if they would give me
> >> back my "browsing by the first letter of..." etc. >:-E
> MDP> I prefer the improvement myself.. browse by progressive search. Much
> MDP> quicker for navigation IMHO!
> If this "progressive search" is faster than putting a finger on a key,
> than I would highly appreciate instructions how to do that.
> Just in the case that a misunderstanding is possible here, my full
> sentence was:
> "One of "lost options" is browsing by the first letter of the name[s]
> of the folders through accounts/folders (in account pane)."
> Mandara

I think what it means is you type the first letter, and it matches the
first folder that it reaches...  when you type the second letter, it tries
to find the next folder that begins with letter 1... AND 2... for
example... You have:

* Folder 1
* Fldr 2
* Inbox

If you Type "F" it selects Folder... if your next key is "L" it moves to
"Flder 2" as it matches the FL to "Fldr 2"... is that clear?  My
explanations on some things are awful... at least that is my understanding
on how the 'progressing' search works anyway.

Jonathan Angliss

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