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Om 16:57 op woensdag 15 mei 2002, Jonathan Angliss:

> On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, Spike wrote...

>> Spammers have a trick they now use, which works if they know the
>> "name" of the default mail server of the ISP.  They can send a
>> message to "whatever"@"mailservername" and EVERYONE on the
>> mailserver gets a message!  The "whatever" can actually be
>> anything they wish to type! This really sucks, but I don't know
>> what can be done about it.

this is not true. examine the headers from such messages and search for
your emailadress. you'll find it. it's just not in the To: header.

> A common one is "Undisclosed.Recipients@<server name>". I get about 7 of
> those a day. I'm guessing depending on the mail server if you set it to
> reject anything sent directly to the server name, it should drop those
> mails. After all... why would legitimate contacts be sending email to
> your server name, instead of your domain name? I'd have to experiment
> with that one on my test network.

'undisclosed.recepients' is what you get with some mailers when you only
bcc people. no worries there. on properly configured mailservers, mail to
random@mailserver is bounced. no question about that.

on an upnote; ask your ISP to implement the ORDB blacklist in the
mailsystem (http://www.ordb.org/). mine has, and the amount of spam has
drastically reduced.


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