On Friday, May 24, 2002, Ray Dawson wrote...

> This may be the one single thing that stops me using TB - which is a
> pity as I was really getting it working.

> How  on  earth  do other users manage with SMTP posting and multiple
> accounts?

I  run  several  mail servers, so I don't even use my ISPs mail server
for  sending. Plus I run my own server at home, with an SMTP server on
it,  so  if I ever have trouble with any of the work servers, I have a
fall back server.

> Surely  relying  on  third-party  applications  to  send mail is not
> normal?  I  can  be  connected to any one of four ISPs, but they all
> only allow mail to be sent if you are actually connected to them. As
> things  stand  with  TB, I have to connect to all four ISPs in turn,
> just to send email. Collection is fine from all four at once.

POP3  servers  tend  not to have restrictions set based on who you are
connected   to.   It's  normally  only  the  SMTP  server  with  those
restrictions  to stop UCE attempts, and is one of the quickest ways of
stopping a SMTP server from being an open relay.

> Why  does  TB  insist  on  only sending mail through the smtp of the
> account  it  was written from rather than the account it's connected
> to?

Because  I  doubt  they  have  coded TB! to recognize which ISP you're
connected  to. Otherwise it'd do what Outlook has a habbit of doing if
you  tick  the wrong box, and disconnect you from one ISP, and connect
you to another. Plus some SMTP servers have a setting that won't allow
relaying of another domain name that isn't theirs... for example, your
have  accounts  with  isp1.com  and isp2.com... You try sending a mail
from your [EMAIL PROTECTED] account via isp2.com mail server, and it might
reject  you  because  it's  not  a  valid  domain  to that mail server
(normally relaying denied type message).

Jonathan Angliss

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