Hello Miles!

On Friday, June 14, 2002 at 9:03:31 PM you wrote:

> It boggles the mind that several WEEKS after this (potentially very
> useful) feature is implemented there's still NOTHING on the updated
> program's FAQ.

The FAQ does not come from RITLabs.

> And please, please don't tell us that they don't have enough resources to
> hire a full-time,. professional "help/FAQ writer." If TB truly has millions
> of users, by now Ritlabs is extremely wealthy, especially considering the
> exchange rate of western currencies for theirs...

Ever heard of the difference between "number of downloads", "number of
copies in use", number of customers" and "number of paid copies

I don't know if RITLabs is wealthy already or not. There are a lot of
things to be factored into this equation - one of them being interes
rates, another being payback money.

> Lo and behold, this morning I also get a message from Ritlabs stating the
> changes since 1.53. Wow, how many weeks has it been since the first
> iteration of 1.60 and we're getting this NOW?

Yes, it was asked for.

> I'm sticking to 1.53... Do others feel the same way?

Maybe, although not me.
Are you sticking to 1.53 because it satisfies your needs or because
you are pissed by RITLabs' communication skills?

> Call me crazy but in my humble, non-geeky opinion what WOULD have made sense
> - and created a lot less havoc among TB users, AND generated a lot more
> business in these spam-crazed times - would have been for Ritlabs to create
> a folder called "unknown" for all the spam... and to implement an easy,
> customer-friendly way to customize it.

Which is the Inbox folder - if you use Known or filters to sort your
known associates' messages into other folders.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.60q on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all
the time, but never all the people all the time. (Abraham Lincoln)

Current Ver: 1.60q
FAQ        : http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
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