Sunday, June 23, 2002, 9:05:22 PM, you wrote:

JA> Try looking at the Full headers for the email... The
JA> From: header is easily forged, as you can tell, and
JA> can also be guessed from the recent Klez virus (or 99%
JA> of spam) ;)

Yeah, I see a lot of those too.

JA> By tracing down the recieved headers, you
JA> can work out the path it took, and ultimately the
JA> senders ISP, providing they didn't use some obscure
JA> proxy server to send through.

It sounds reasonable, and I've apparently lost the mail,
(I would have sent the header) but there was no path .. no
received headers .. it was as though I really had sent the
mail directly from myself to myself.

The only tipoff that I *hadn't* done that was that I have a
very old email address, and originally because of some
peculiarity with the server it had to be used as
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' .. I didn't know it still worked
in that form, but I haven't used it that way for years.
Evidently these lists persist for a very long time,
because it has to be at least 6 years old.

Maybe that explains my really severe spam problem :-)

JA> Glad I could help a little :)

Yeah, you did, but it's still something of a mystery :-)


mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2

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