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Wednesday, June 26, 2002
9:27:51 AM
RE: "question - how can e-mail be sent from me that I didn't send"


On Sunday, June 23, 2002, 11:17:33 AM, you wrote:

alists> I've been reading about the spamcop and filtering, I periodically
alists> receive email from "me" that is not sent from me. If I look at
alists> the view headers, it says it came from me! How can this be? Now,
alists> I've submitted this to spamcop.. and it just dawned on me that
alists> they may ban regular email addres as spam!!! do you have any
alists> ideas on what to do or how to stop this?

Have you investigated the contents of your The_Bat!'s account sent or
outbox folders? When is the last time you run a complete virus test on your
system? I would have to guess that your system in infected and yes ...
reporting mail from "me" to "me" to Spamcop, with full RFC-822 headers will
indeed blacklist your e-mail address and/or IP address (with most IP's being
issued dynamically this could cause serious problems for another user who
pulls that IP address when connecting his/her system to the Internet).

I would suggest, at this time, that you install a least TWO antivirus
programs, run both (not simultaneously though) and do a complete system
scan for a virus, trojan or worm.

Anyway ...

Hope this helps.

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

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