Hello Greg,

On Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:52:06 PM you [GS] wrote (at least in

GS> Is this one of those circumstances?

IMHO yes.
I'm subscribed to such a list too and this is the only folder I use a
template on that sets '%TO'.
As I _do know_ about this fact I take special care when I'm in this
folder and for me this 'having an eye open' is compensated luxury I
earn for not having to reset '%TO' to lists address.

GS> everything seems to be working except the "CC" address

First: if you copied the template completely it might just be you
forget the closing " when setting '%TO'

,-----= [  ] =-----
| %TO=""
|                        ^^^
| %CC=""

Nevertheless you can try this one:


This spares you the regular expression, which additionally can't work
in this form:

,-----= [  ] =-----
| %CC="%REGEXPTEXT="^From:\s\S.""

1.) CC would be set to '%REGEXPTEXT=' as this is what's embraced by
    quotes. This macro will be expanded to nothing as there's no
    pattern set.
2.) The pattern has to be set by
3.) You have to define what part of the result of regular expression
    you are interested in. I'm sure you're not interested in 'From:\s'
    Therefore the macro has to be:

4.) You have to define on what text you want to apply the regular

    This would make up

5.) You don't need to extract 'From' from original headers manually.
    It's already present in '%OFrom'. Therefore it's better to use


Now you'd be done ... until you use (seldom, I know *G*) 'Reply to
all' in a mail in that folder. You template will discard all
additional recipients TB! already figured out for you.
Similar if somebody already set a 'Reply-To' address, which would be
_silently_ discarded too.
That's why I'd suggest my already mentioned solution of setting 'CC'
to '%ToList' and than set 'TO' to the lists address. This will result
in the intended 'TO', but keep eventually set addresses coming form
'Reply-To' or a 'Reply to all' function in 'CC'.

Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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