Hi Greg,
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 20:10:11 -0500, you wrote:

> PP> %CC="%ToList"%-
> I wanted to "CC" the original sender. Your macro doesn't work. For
> example a reply to this message would send "TO" TBUDL and "CC" me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] When I use your suggested macro,
> %CC="%ToList"%-, and highlight the text I want in the reply and hit
> F4, the "CC" field is blank. I tried it changing the order (i.e. "CC"
> after "TO"), and woreked while TB! "CC" the list. This is not desired.
> However, knowing order is important. <g>
> What header does "%ToList" pull from in the original message?  I
> suspect "List-Id:".

List-ID is a mailling list specific header... like some add X-Been-There etc. 
The %ToList pulls the list of the people it was either original sent to, or is
in the list of people you are sending it to.  I cannot remember which.

> PP> 5.) You don't need to extract 'From' from original headers manually.
> PP>     It's already present in '%OFrom'. Therefore it's better to use
> PP>     %CC="%From"

Wouldn't this put your from details in the CC field?  I thought you'd have had
to use %OFROMADDR as it uses the original from:.

> PP> Now you'd be done ... until you use (seldom, I know *G*) 'Reply to
> PP> all' in a mail in that folder. You template will discard all
> PP> additional recipients TB! already figured out for you.
> I never 'Reply to all' with a mail list. I can't think why one would
> because the purpose of mail list so ALL can see it.

Another issue when using Reply-To-All on mailling lists is that sometimes
mailling lists send from <list-name>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Hitting reply-to-all
would make your to/cc list look something like this:

to: <list-name>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc: <orginial-poster>@anotherdomain.tld, <list-name>@domain.tld

Jonathan Angliss

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