Sunday, July 28, 2002, 1:19:24 PM, you wrote:

JBL> On Sunday, July 28, 2002, 4:47:00 PM, Lynn Turriff wrote:

>> One suspects that it does it so the recipient can see the
>> 'scanned virus free by Norton' note that it puts in the
>> email, but that's pointless too, since you have to open
>> the mail to read it.

JBL> I have never seen this notice - are you sure it is NAV that puts it
JBL> on, and not the user?

JBL> Julian

Nope - I'm using an older version; but I've seen notices
on incoming mail that are being generated somewhere. I
thought I had seen Norton's sign on some of them. The
latest and greatest is running on my husband's machine,
complete with popups and deeply buried controls. I
connected the two, perhaps too quickly.

I may have assumed incorrectly .. One day I'll go into the
thing on his machine and see if I can get some irritating
stuff turned off. If he doesn't get to it first. He
doesn't do much email, so doesn't get to the hair tearing
stage as quickly as I do, but if he's in the mood ...


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