On Friday, August 23, 2002, 12:58:36 AM, Dierk Haasis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DH> Hello DVM!

DH> On Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 10:31:56 PM you wrote:

>> But I don't really consider myself qualified to judge the value of this
>> idea. I'm a veterinarian, not a mathematician.

DH> The mathematics are sound, the sample size is more than sufficient,
DH> particularly considering that most spam is virtually identical (chain
DH> letters, free porn passwords, new business schemes etc.).

DH> The principle followed has been discussed here before, the main
DH> recommendation coming down to "filter all legitimate mail into
DH> folders, what is left is to a high probability spam, but inspect it
DH> before deleting".

DH> I am quite sure that the false positive number is wrong, it is
DH> principally not feasible to rule out false positives on the basis of
DH> empiricism. But you can bring down the number to zero "for all
DH> practical purposes", that is, one or two false positives in one year
DH> isn't that bad. Even normal post looses a letter or two sometimes.

The SPAMTOOLS mailing list has a new thread, "Bayes Filtering",
discussing this topic in considerable detail. For those who are
interested, I have posted the entire thread here:

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 
 Morton A. Goldberg, DVM
 Plaza Pet Clinic
 511 W. Baddour Pkwy.
 Lebanon, TN 37087
 (615) 444-4703                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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