Hi all!

I searched through the archive but did not find anything similar so I
post this msg. Please forgive me if someone already posed te question.

I moved my PC from home (with a dialup connection) to my new office
(in a LAN, without a dialup connection). I backed up the bat and
installed the new version on the new PC (with WinXP). When I restored
all the messages and the account everything went well, but when I
first tried to check mail the Bat issued an error msg saying that
there was no dialup coonection.

I tried to change some flag but the Options-Network did not permit me
to remove the tick, probably because the bat sees that there is no
dialup connection on the office PC.

I solved the problem looking at the registry. I removed the two keys
called RAS Dial Entry (which showed the name of my home dialup

Was there another way to solve the problem? Is this a "good" solution
(in the sense that I did not damaged the registry?)

Thank you!

Fabrizio Iozzi

Ufficio per la Didattica Multimediale
Universita' Bocconi
p.za Sraffa 15 20136 MILANO 
tel. +39 02 5836.3144 fax +39 02 5836.3160

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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