Hi Dierk,
On Friday, September 13, 2002 at 13:34:46 [GMT +0200], you wrote:

>> But when I forward the message to myself, I receive a longer file
>> which can be decoded correctly and then shows the complete image,
>> without the corruption at the bottom.

DH> That seems to me to point towards some bug in TB!'s viewer. Or are
DH> JPEGs self-healing?

Maybe I was a bit unclear here, but the file is corrupt when it is saved
to disc. The internal viewer wasn't involved in my tests. But the same
file which results in a corrupt JPEG when saved to disc is forwarded
correctly and can then be saved and viewed perfectly.

That is really strange.


The Bat! 1.62/Beta5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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