Hello Marck,

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:44:34 +0100 GMT (12/09/02, 19:44 +0700 GMT),
Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

MDP> I think you've missed the point. Are you using NAV? Some other
MDP> real-time POP3 virus scanner?

MDP> I don't. I have been a TB user for over 4 years and receive 200-400
MDP> messages per day, many of which have attachments; JPG, DOC, GIF,
MDP> HTM, PDF, PPS, EXE, SQL - the list goes on. I have *never* seen TB
MDP> corrupt an attachment... and I mean *never*.

Me neither. Until Eddy forwarded a zipped message.tbb and message.tbi
pair to me. I have subsequently confirmed the problem. I have never
had NAV on my system.

See thread starting with [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MDP> The only way to prove the error (but not where it is coming from) is
MDP> to submit a MIME forward of the original message from the sender's
MDP> system and an exported (.msg) copy of the received version to the
MDP> BugTraq.


MDP>  I'll wager it's nothing to do with TB though.

Let's see.



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