Sh'mae Technology,
On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, at 18:29:01 [GMT -0400] (or 23:29 in Wales)
regarding 'Mangled attachments' you wrote:

BBTE> It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A>> The  other  thing that crosses my mind is filesystem - obviously you're on Win98
A>> and other people are on Winxp or whatever?

A>> You all using fat32? Large disk?

BBTE> I'm on XP. Wouldn't use FAT32 on a dare. All affected systems are
BBTE> NTFS. All are Seagate drives -- ranging from 7200RPM EIDE to 15000RPM
BBTE> SCSI. No significant fragmentation thanks to Diskkeeper. No evidence
BBTE> of impending hardware failure.

Same  here  but  SCSI  drives,  IBM.  SO  SCSI  is  out and NTFS is out. Ok keep
narrowing the focus.... ;-)

TB! on C drive or another drive?
Spaces in folder name (here its d:\TheBat)

Only real DLL in the folder are the PGP ones (present) and the Spell Checker. So
DLL  hell  is  possibly out as it looks like TB! is pretty self contained (and I
got out of programming 10 years ago!!)

Write caching on or off? Ultra DMA on? (possibility of some conflict between TB!
and something?_)

Is there any software on your machine between mail and client? Firewall's, Popup
blockers, etc...?

There MUST be a common thread here!


| 12 September 2002, 23:32
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- PGP Public Key Request     Antivir scanned mail |  

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