Hello alists,

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 11:40:05 -0700 GMT (14/10/02, 01:40 +0700 GMT),

awc> [...] .. i'd like to have TB! installed on all the machines, and
awc> be able to easily share my filters..... plus some are pretty
awc> complicated to set up... and maintain..but if you're on 2
awc> machines pretty regulary (like one client I'm trying to get off
awc> OE and onto TB!)... it would really simplify things..

If I understand you correctly, you have exactly the same fitlering
system on all of these machines.

The filters are stored as the account.srx files. While don't you send
these to yourself after a filter update, and overwrite the existing
file with the new one after you receive the message. (You need to
close TB while overwriting.)



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