slug wrote:

>Hello All,
>I  set  up  the  smpt  connection  with  authentication in the Account
>Properties  screen. I choose Secure to dedicated port (TLS) and choose
>port  465  as  listed.  In the authentication box I check Perform smpt
>Authentication,  and  use  specific settings with my e-mail address as
>the user with my password as well.
>I  only  get a message in the Log saying Initiating TLS  handshake and
>then nothing more - not very helpful information.
The Bat does not properly perform TLS.

It fails to send an SMTP EHLO command before
the STARTLS command and hence will not be accepted
by most SMTP servers.

All of the TLS/SSL stuff in the Bat does not work AT ALL.
Whether it's for IMAP or SMTP.


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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