Hi slug,

On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, 12:08 PM, you mentioned about "ATT Broadband 
connections problems":

s> Att  works for me with Mercury, but AOL will not.

Does not surprise me at all.  AOL does not do anything standard. <g>

s>  I got the IP address of  the  nameserver  on  my  PC  with ATT by
s> using IPConfig/ALL in the command  prompt window (Win 2000) - they may
s> change over time so I may have  to  re-enter.  But you are right, not
s> very usefull for me -maybe I'll  think  of  some  reason  this  method
s> of mail delivery would be preferable later.

Well, if you are on the road a lot, try www.myrealbox.com  Just open up an
account, add the SMPT and POP3 stuff into the bat, and you are off and
running.  You can use this with any ISP you log onto and send mail and
receive mail from TB! .. Bingo, you have a nice  mail account.

s> But  with AOL on my portable computer for traveling with Win 98 (ugh).
s> I  (and  helpers)  did a Whois search and came up with IP addresses of
s> the nameservers but still got a message back from the server of "We do
s> not relay non-local mail - sorry"

It will never work with AOL.

s> Incidentally, what and exactly how does one do a Whois search - I sort
s> of  muddled through Google and went to a site where I entered AOL.com,
s> but is this really the way?

You can use www.betterwhois.com to search all domain registers.

In Linux, I just use the command line and do a "dig" or "host", or whois
command..  I can actually use their DNS servers directly to get this
info....doing a "dig" and mx I get the following:

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> mx aol.com
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25764
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 18

;aol.com.                       IN      MX

aol.com.                2811    IN      MX      15 mailin-02.mx.aol.com.
aol.com.                2811    IN      MX      15 mailin-03.mx.aol.com.
aol.com.                2811    IN      MX      15 mailin-04.mx.aol.com.
aol.com.                2811    IN      MX      15 mailin-01.mx.aol.com.

aol.com.                760     IN      NS      dns-06.ns.aol.com.
aol.com.                760     IN      NS      dns-07.ns.aol.com.
aol.com.                760     IN      NS      dns-01.ns.aol.com.
aol.com.                760     IN      NS      dns-02.ns.aol.com.

mailin-02.mx.aol.com.   120     IN      A
mailin-02.mx.aol.com.   120     IN      A
mailin-02.mx.aol.com.   120     IN      A
mailin-02.mx.aol.com.   120     IN      A
mailin-03.mx.aol.com.   118     IN      A
mailin-03.mx.aol.com.   118     IN      A
mailin-03.mx.aol.com.   118     IN      A
mailin-03.mx.aol.com.   118     IN      A
mailin-03.mx.aol.com.   118     IN      A
mailin-04.mx.aol.com.   136     IN      A
mailin-04.mx.aol.com.   136     IN      A
mailin-04.mx.aol.com.   136     IN      A
mailin-04.mx.aol.com.   136     IN      A
mailin-01.mx.aol.com.   234     IN      A
mailin-01.mx.aol.com.   234     IN      A
mailin-01.mx.aol.com.   234     IN      A
mailin-01.mx.aol.com.   234     IN      A
mailin-01.mx.aol.com.   234     IN      A

;; Query time: 110 msec

As you can see, AOL has many mx (mail servers), but they are clustered.

s> I  feel like I've taken a IT course since yesterday - finally figuring
s> out  what  some  of  these  things  are   -  nameservers, DNS, Dynamic
s> something or other - where the IP address is chosen as you go...

LOL, yes I can see that.  That's only the beginning... now to actually set
up all these things......  (just kidding).

s> Thanks.

My pleasure, it is fun..

Best regards,

Today's thought: I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.                 

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