Hello Gary,

Monday, October 28, 2002, 3:17:05 AM, you wrote:

G> Anne, As an afterthought, I purchased the Personal Kaspersky edition, last
G> January, for $49, I believe.  It worked well, and even on their site, said
G> it would have a plug-in for TB!... Well this turned out not to be true,
G> even though it said so on their web site.

Until this thread popped up we did even think about the plug-in apart
from finding out it wasn't available. All we knew was it worked and
worked very well :-)

G> You now must have the Pro edition which costs about $99 to get the
G> plug-in for TB!... I was really upset about this, and do not plan
G> on renewing my subscription. I currently use AVG when in Windows,
G> and it is free, with a plug-in.

Your choice of course but AVG doesn't get as good a score in the real
virus tests - and with an anti-virus surely it's performance rather
than price that should be the main criteria ??

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222

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