Wednesday, January 1, 2003, 1:00:07 PM, you wrote:

A> Tuesday, December 31, 2002, 6:51:41 PM,Richard wrote:

RW>> Hm, I've used ZA for a couple of years now and have never had that
RW>> problem with any mail however big or small, even though I have the
RW>> Mailsafe setting on.

I can only report my findings.

I run Windows 98SE with ZAPro

I worked my ISP technical support for several hours making a dozen
callbacks in the process.   They had me not just uninstall but remove
Norton Antivirus.  That had no effect.

When they had me remove ZAPro, the mail which had been stuck on one of
these peculiar messages suddenly downloaded with ease.

When I reinstalled ZAPro, I discovered that the problem was dependent
on the toggling of the Mailsafe option.

99% of the mail I receive goes thru fine with Mailsafe enabled.  Once
in a while a piece of mail will cause the download to hang and
eventually time-out.  With Mailsafe disabled, the troublesome piece of
mail downloads with the rest of the batch.

One subscription list has been generating these problem mails daily since
December 15.  I have no idea what change they made at that time.  My
efforts to communicate with a live person responsible for producing
the daily mails have gone unanswered.  You are welcome to subscribe to
the list yourself and see if you can download the digest with Mailsafe

The subscription list is "beginning vb digest".  You can subscribe to
it at

One of the ISP tech support specialists noted that all of the problem
mail which I have saved on the mail server exhibited some strange zero or
negative time-stamp.  The explanation was largely lost on me.

The digests are not by any means huge, on the order 5K typically, so
size is certainly not a meaningful factor.

Best regards,
 Lawrence                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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