* Thomas Fernandez writes:
> Spike wrote:

>>>> (3) Read NNTP News Groups

MG>>> Many prefer using a separate client for that, yet future
MG>>> releases might also implement that.

>> S*%T to that!

> I am not sure about that first word, but Stefan said *if* TB gets
> newsreader capabilities, it will be by way of a plug-in. 

Please read:
Gnus, slrn, tin, Dialog, Agent, ...

I know that, like Miguel, there are some guys who use their TB! as a
newsreader, but what about scoring, killfiling, ignoring threads
etc.? Don't you miss that in TB!?

> So you don't need to load it if you don't want to. ;-)

Quite a lot of "OPTIONAL" features that I don't need these days... ;-) 

This is off-topic, isn't it?
Beste Grüße, Carsten

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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