I don't know what in the world your talking about, type a little more
"down-to-earth" for me, just tell me "do this" or "don't do this"
As for the "SpamCop filter" forget it, I was looking back through some
past email's and agree with the argument that I would just be wasting
my time reporting spam to "spamcop"


Best Regards,

- - - Marck D Pearlstone wrote - - -
> @9-Feb-2003, 14:17 -0600 (20:17 UK time) ~John [j] in

> I have reformatted this message without the top posting because it
> is harder to work out what's going on in a vacuum. Please see below
> for a lecture on why it is preferable to *not* do that in this list.
> In terms of list rules you've ended up with far too many untrimmed
> quotes and not enough context.

> To put it succinctly - this is how your conversation appears:

> Terrible
>> how does it smell?
>>> My dog's got no nose.

> Anyway - back to the topic:

PM>>>>>> I'd like to submit my login name and password automatically
PM>>>>>> along with the URL. Any ideas if/how I could do that?

> (I have a new method to solve this and will reply further up the
> thread).

>  ... <snip>

>>> I hit the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+S and it put the message in the
>>> outbox, then I sent them, however I got this error message back from
>>> Spamcop:
>>> "SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
>>> SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:"

j>> Is this how the reply template supposed to be setup?

>  ... <snip>

> Your reply template has nothing to do with SpamCop submission, which
> uses a custom template built into the manual, hotkey triggered
> filter. If you have installed the filter correctly, it will format
> the message correctly.

> ** Stock essay about top posting. **

> Top posting means that you put the cursor at the top of a reply and
> type everything you want to say there.

> Top posted replies make messages harder to read than they should be.

> When you are having a private conversation and you know what you're
> saying to an individual top posting has a certain validity (I still
> don't do it - I don't find it at all pleasant to read that way, but
> this isn't about my personal preferences).

> When you are in an environment where many readers and many topics
> are present at once, you force everyone to read your reply text
> (because it's at the top, it's seen first), think to themselves
> "What's that about then?", scroll down to read the quotes for
> context, think "Oh, I see... now I know what it's about, does that
> change anything in what I read first?", and scroll back up to read
> what you wrote in the light of improved context.

> It's much easier for the writer, yes. But email should be designed
> for the reader.

> A reply works better broken down conversationally:
- - - End of Marck D Pearlstone's message - - -

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