Hi all,

I've come across a problem that really has me stumped.

Friday night I installed The Bat. I chose NOT to set it as my default
e-mail client, as Becky is my default e-mail client, and I wasn't sure
if I'd like The Bat or not. Although I do like the program, I've come
across a problem, which is *very* reproducible.

The first few times I started The Bat, it asked me if I wanted to make
it my default e-mail client. Each time I chose "No". Sometime
yesterday, The Bat stopped requesting that at start up. I hadn't
changed any settings. In fact, the check box for that setting was
still marked in preferences. The problem occurred today when I clicked
a "mailto:"; link in Opera (I use Opera, although IE6 is set as my
default browser). Once clicking the mailto link, there was a delay,
and then IE6 started. No kidding -- 64 IE windows appeared. IE has
been known to do some flaky things, but I have NEVER seen this
behavior in IE, ever (and I began using IE back when IE 2 was out).
Fortunately, a feature of Windows XP is to group all IE windows in one
section on the toolbar, once enough of them have opened. Because of
this, I was able to right click on the one and choose "close group".
This closed all the IE windows that were open (I watched the number of
IE windows count down on the toolbar).

I then went back into Opera to see what the heck was listed as my
default e-mail client. Before I had installed The Bat, it had said
Becky. Now, it showed as *blank*. Nothing was written in the box at
all. I chose to go to the setting below which specifically allows me
to chose the location of the e-mail client I wish to chose. For now, I
chose Becky (since I am still evaluating The Bat).

I then went into IE6 and checked my settings there. Although IE listed
my default e-mail client as Becky, when I clicked on a mailto: link, I
got a message that there was a problem finding my default e-mail
client, and that it needed reinstalled. I'm sorry I don't have the
exact wording of the error message, because as soon as I closed the
error box, I was again faced with a multitude of IE windows (this time
it was 65). I right-clicked on the IE group on the toolbar as before,
and chose "close group". I then restarted IE and went to the programs
tab and changed the default e-mail client to The Bat, clicked 'Apply',
then went back and changed it to Becky, clicking 'Apply' again. The
next time I tried clicking a mailto: link it brought up Becky.

Happy ending? Not quite. The next time I started The Bat, although it
still didn't ask me if I wanted to make it my default e-mail client,
it apparently did something...because the next time I tried to click a
mailto: link in IE, I again received the "problem locating default
e-mail client" message, and was faced with 64 more IE windows.

The only work-around that I've been able to find is to remove the
check from "Check that The Bat is the default mail client at startup"
from The Bat preferences. When I do this, all behaves normally. Also,
"Becky 2" again appears in the "Use default e-mail client on computer"
box in Opera, when I remove the default check from The Bat
preferences. This is a very reproducible problem, as I tested it out
multiple times, each time with the same result.

Is this a known problem? I love The Bat thusfar, but this glitch
really bothers me. Any info on this one? Is there a work-around or
fix? Thanks.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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