Hello Kim!

On Sunday, February 16, 2003, 7:04 PM, you wrote, in part:

K> ... The only work-around that I've been able to find is to remove the
K> check from "Check that The Bat is the default mail client at startup"
K> from The Bat preferences. When I do this, all behaves normally. ...

You sound like someone who knows a lot more about computers and
computer programs than I do. However, it's a slow night on tbudl, and
until an "expert" spots your message, I thought I'd put in my two
cents worth. :)

First, welcome to tbudl! I've been using The Bat! for about 4 months
now--I'm a retired elementary school teacher--and I think you are
going to like it and eventually choose it as your default e-mail
client program.

Second, I have a feeling this is more of a problem with XP than with
The Bat!

I have been using XP since December, and a bossier operating system I
have never encountered! (I say from my limited experience that
includes only DOS 2.6 and Windows 95B before coming to Windows XP Home

It makes folders for me and puts things in them without my asking, and
also subfolders. It changes the paths of things without warning me.
That little dog takes forever to hunt out a file, and sometimes it
will deny that it exists--when I put the file there myself, and by
going to Windows Explorer can locate it.

Well--this list is not meant for me to wail over XP, it's for solving
problems with using The Bat! I know one thing--XP does not like to
have similar applications in its bosom. When I put the software for my
new Canon G2 camera in the machine, XP immediately decided that should
all be in my HP scanner folder--and I specifically told it to put the
Canon software in a Canon folder in Program Files. Go figure.

So--if you saved your Becky installation files: what about checking
whether XP just doesn't like having two e-mail clients available?
Uninstall Becky. Pick The Bat! as your default. See if you still have
the IE6 vs. Opera problem then.

I'm not a scientist, so there may be some faulty reasoning here.
Anyway, it's my 2 cents worth on a slow, icy night, and my way of
welcoming a fellow teacher to tbudl.  :)

K> ... Also, "Becky 2" again appears in the "Use default e-mail client
K> on computer" box in Opera, when I remove the default check from The
K> Bat preferences. This is a very reproducible problem, as I tested
K> it out multiple times, each time with the same result. ...

I understand.

K> ... Is this a known problem? ...

Others who have been with The Bat! longer than I will soon be telling
you the answer to this. :)

K> I love The Bat thusfar, ...

Me too! :)

K> ... but this glitch really bothers me. Any info on this one? Is
K> there a work-around or fix? Thanks.

I hope there will be, whether it turns out to be an XP glitch or a TB!
glitch, or the interaction between the two. Anyway, I promise you that
there are some great and knowledgeable people on this list, and they
will soon be helping you. :)

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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