On 17 February 2003, 02:08, Mary Bull wrote:

> That little dog takes forever to hunt out a file, and sometimes it
> will deny that it exists--when I put the file there myself, and by
> going to Windows Explorer can locate it.

Now, I've suffered that one and had to suffer a rather humiliating
call to the computer manufacturers to resolve it. By the time that I
discovered the issues, both my wife and I had spent several hours
redoing work because Windows XP failed to find files that we knew we'd
created. In my case, there were two issues:

1. The files that I sought were within the Program Files "tree".
   Windows XP now considers Program Files and all it contains to be
   system folders and doesn't search there by default. To include
   these folders, in the Search Companion expand Search Options, then
   Advanced Options, and select System Folders.
2. An Index Server index had become corrupted. To rebuild a corrupted
   index, go to Administrative Tools -> Computer Management (which you
   can access by right-clicking My Computer in the Start Menu and
   choosing Manage). Now Expand Services and Applications, then
   Indexing Service, then System. Now click Directories. Right click
   the entry for the Directory that you know contains your file and
   choose All Tasks -> Rescan (Full).

Returning to the original poster's query: I had something similar
when I first started with TB (at 1.53d). In my case, it was because
the Registry had no entry for TB, which occurred because I didn't have
sufficient permissions when I first installed TB. If you search the
archives for this list, you should find my cries of woe and the very
informed resolution. However, to put it in a nutshell, I needed to log
on as an administrator and then reinstall TB, after which all went


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Tagline theft ... the sincerest form of flattery

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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