Hello Aidan,

Saturday, March 29, 2003, 3:37:37 PM, you wrote:

> Ok - I've double checked it now with no anti-virus running or
> firewalls or anything such, just the bat, and it hangs in the middle
> of either getting the number of message, or getting the first or
> second messages, for about 3 minutes every time. Nothing to do with
> anti-viruses zone alarm or any of these things. Plain old dial-up
> connection here, nothing fancy in my setup really. Checking mail on
> one account only.

Is it always the same account? I get the same problem once in a
while(a few times a week) with 2(out of 4) of my accounts. Those 2
accounts are with separate mail servers(one with Hotmail and the other
with my ISP), and they do get busy and have a lot of users, and the
slow down is usually during peak time. And, the Hotmail account is not
accessed via The Bat!, but via Outlook Express and the mail filtering
is done via MailWasher. When the connection to the mailserver is slow
via MailWasher, it usually is slow with TB. Sometimes it timeouts.

> Any point in trying the beta version to see if it disappears ?

I don't think it would disappear.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail
 Senior System Engineer
 ACCRA Group Inc. (www.accra.ca)
 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (www.filopto.com)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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