Thursday, March 27, 2003, 11:21:05 PM, you wrote:

S> I am having a constant issue where the Connection Centre gets stuck on an
S> account, the counter at 10 minutes+ and I can not abort or delete task on
S> these accounts and its frozen.  The only way I can seem to stop it is use
S> Task Manager to close out The Bat all together.

Yep, sounds familiar. I run across this at times. It was happening pretty
regularly for a while. Not only does the CPU usage shoot to 99%, but the task
progress for checking this particular account shows figures as high as 498%!

I usually found that this was due to an extremely large/malformed attachment
that TB was having trouble downloading. I had to go the webmail site and
read/delete the mail manually. It's been a while though since I last experienced
this so I can't remember properly if there was anything else in the pattern.

I don't believe this is a firewall/av problem. I'm running NAV 8 and zonealarm
pro on win2k.


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