Hello Deborah,

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, at 08:04:56 [GMT -0400] (which was 13:04 in my
TimeZone) you wrote:

DW> On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 5:06:17 AM, David Anderson wrote:

DA>> It could be partly due to the fact that so many writers in the UK
DA>> computer magazines (PC Pro and PCW) say that it is the best.

DW> Not always tho...it was an article in a UK pc mag (might have been
DW> PCPro, I can't remember, it was one of those thick ones filled with ads
DW> anyway <G>) which was very effusive over TB that made me download it to
DW> have a look - &, like the reviewer, I was hooked within days :-)

It was PCPro, the ever Bat Loving Dave Winder.

Best regards,

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