Hello Mailing List,
I am receiving allot of spam. When the messages arrive which I do not
want I have set up filters to deal with them. All that happens is that
the senders just change their names of some other element of the
address and then the messages continue to get past my filters. Can the
Bat! deal with this kind of Spam or is it necessary to get another
programme to do this work.

Love and Light,

I just have filters for particular people to go to particular folders.
Then below these filters put in a filter for <Known> people in the
address books to go into a Welcome folder.

Then any rubbish or new people's mail goes into the InBox, where it
can be glanced at later and deleted.


 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98
4.10 Build 2222  A           

...Justice: A decision in your favour. 

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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