Hello, Peter:


I appreciate your thoughts everybody, yet, this really is becoming a
tempest in a teacup. And it seems that nobody here has had any
experience with this system (CM) that is being critiqued with so much

PF>I know it is - but why should _I_ - e.g. when helping another
PF>person - go through this extra trouble just because that other
PF>person has more respect for his time than mine (I know this sounds
PF>harsh but this is how it comes across to me)?

Indeed. Why should you. On the other hand, if we collaborate (in
various ways) sometimes there is an eventual pleasant payback. But no,
it is not guaranteed that you will get a reward for your trouble,

I certainly hope nobody thinks this indicates I disrespect those who
send email.

One reward is that we all may eventually be able to answer friends'
and colleagues' and even strangers' mail more quickly, and in a
happier frame of mind. I think there are many parallels to this in
life. One day the shoe (or another shoe somewhat like this one) may be
on the other foot. It's a tiny chore, answering that challenge email
message. And once only. Ha anybody ever done that with CM?

PF>>> Use SpamPal - it's at least as effective, and without hassle for the
PF>>> people you are communicating with.

I don't think I have ever created hassle for anybody on this list. I
would like to know if I have. But has spam ever been a hassle for
anybody here? Could a "hassle" like an occasional challenge message
ever begin to compare to spam? Even some close friends do not all give
me a key to their house. I guess it is also a hassle to need to ring
that doorbell and wait. Every time I visit!!  :-)

D>> So how does SpamPal do it?  Please.

PF> Set up Spampal with blacklists and the Bayesian plug-in. Have Spampal
PF> add a separate "X-spampal: spam" header and filter on this. A peice of
PF> cake.

Thank you for the helpful explanation about SpamPal.

PF> I get very few false negatives/positives.

Hmmm. And when you do is the shoe not on the other foot then?


Anyway, friends, it's "over and out" for me now. Back to work. Hope
this has been helpful and entertaining. By the way, I am also quite
experienced with the excellent filtering in The Bat. And still use it

Best regards,


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