Hello, Paul, all:

Programs like ChoiceMail (CM) stop any unknown sender from ever
reaching The Bat's Inbox.

CM asks those senders with a friendly message (that I myself have
written) to state their business. Less than 1% of spammers ever do.

I longer have to be distracted by even looking at those spam subject
lines, let alone busy myself with the job of deleting.

What a relief. And a **great** boost to productivity when spam is
about 49% of your incoming mail.


Thursday, September 4, 2003, 1:18:08 AM, you wrote:

PB> Hello Mailing List,
PB> I am receiving allot of spam. When the messages arrive which I do not
PB> want I have set up filters to deal with them. All that happens is that
PB> the senders just change their names of some other element of the
PB> address and then the messages continue to get past my filters. Can the
PB> Bat! deal with this kind of Spam or is it necessary to get another
PB> programme to do this work.

Best wishes,


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