==== Paul, Saturday, September 6, 2003, 8:26:52 AM, you wrote:==>>>>

> Steve & Mary King wrote:

>> The documentation of the new features,
>> if they work, is mostly incomplete and/or nonexistent.  Perhaps they should
>> have waited until things were together instead of rushing to meet schedules

> The documentation for 1.6 is similarly very poor, so I don't think
> schedules are an excuse for that aspect of TB's shortcomings.

We didn't start using The Bat! until the first week of July '03.  We moved
from Poco because, after 2+ years of using it, the unfixed bugs and poor
documentation were driving me nuts.  Everybody raved about The Bat!'s power,
so I decide to switch.  I'm beginning to feel that the standard 30-day trial
period just isn't enough, and that maybe users should push for 60 to 90 days.

Sigh!!!  Maybe I'll retry Becky.  I handle software switches quite easily, but
my wife will go nuts learning another interface after she just got comfortable
with this.  She got quite upset with the icon switch in 2.0, so I had to
install the old icons.  Another sigh!!!

Steve . . .

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